There are few places that seem to understand the elements of a good restroom, but this place is one of them. Our standards aren't even that high really. All we are asking for is comfort, security, and a little effort. The Lucky Accomplice delivered.
Their bathroom setup features two roomy, single stalls, which from a privacy level is a win. Single stalls give you the ability to have a moment to yourself in an otherwise bustling restaurant. Although the vibe was industrial, with concrete floors and exposed ductwork, they didn't let that dictate the narrative. They hung a chandelier and decorated with some art and faux flowers. A pair of bunny figurines nestled into the corner was a nice touch, harking back to their chosen mascot (rabbits were featured everywhere else so this made sense).
Honestly, the biggest (pleasant) surprise was the lighting. The restaurant is quite dim and romantic, so walking into a brightly lit restroom was a nice treat. Restrooms have no need for romance, we want to see what lies ahead. Also, forever appreciative of a solid hook to hang belongings.

Safety: 5 out of 5 stars
Atmosphere: 4 out of 5 stars
Cleanliness: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Amenities: 3 out of 5 stars
Vanity: 3.5 out of 5 stars